Idont Know What Id Do Without You in Norwegian Language

Fourth lesson

Numbers 10-yard, currency, counting and more than. Let's make some shopping!

money counting

Please remember what you learnt concluding time. Mind to January and repeat all of information technology. After repeating out loud, translate everything into English, and then reply a question. Er dere klare? - Are you lot ready? Let'south begin!


Lesson video



# Word Translation
i dere er flinke y'all are good
2 å drikke to drink
3 å ha lyst til to desire
4 å spise to eat
five atten eighteen
6 åtti fourscore
7 ei or en saft juice with sugar
8 elleve eleven
9 en brus a soda
10 en or ett tusen yard
11 en hvitvin a white vino
12 en jus a juice
13 en kaffe a coffee
14 en melk a milk
15 en rødvin a red wine
16 en øl a beer
17 et vann a water
18 femten 15
19 femti fifty
20 fjorten 14
21 førti fourty
22 grønn te greenish tea
23 hundre hundred
24 jeg er imponert I'chiliad amazed!
25 jeg er trøtt I'm tired
26 jeg sier I say
27 nitten nineteen
28 nitti ninety
29 norsk krone Norwegian krone
xxx norsk øre Norwegian cents
31 sammen together
32 sant right, truthful
33 seksten sixteen
34 seksti sixty
35 svart te blackness tea
36 sytten seventeen
37 sytti seventy
38 tjue tyve twenty
39 tolv twelve
40 tretten thirteen
41 tretti thirty
42 veldig sulten very hungry
43 6 skal telle we will count
44 vi skal telle sammen we volition count together



  • - Hei alle sammen. Hvordan går det med dere? Går det fint? Bra! Jeg er Ema. Og dette er Jan. Hallo, Jan.
  • - Hei, Ema. Hei, alle sammen. Det er hyggelig å treffes igjen.

Howdy, in that location! We only used Norwegian in the introduction! Did yous understand ? Did you understand almost everything or mayhap even everything? Bang-up! Veldig bra! Today we are going to acquire to count and try to do shopping in a grocery shop. How wonderful.

  • - Hva sier du?
  • - Jeg sier at vi skal telle. I have just told Ema that today nosotros are going to count. Did yous understand my phrase: jeg sier – I tell at – that half-dozen skal telle.
jeg sier
I tell

Near shopping. I didn't tell Ema about it, and then let's just keep it as a clandestine for a while, OK? Have you washed your homework from the second lesson? You think that I have already forgotten it? Nei nei. I didn't forget the homework from the third lesson either. And then, if y'all have not already learned it, play the earlier lessons chop-chop and learn! Information technology'south really fun to learn with!

Let's begin with numbers. La oss begynne.

Norwegian currency is krone – norsk krone, en krone or ei krone – masculine or feminine gender.

One norsk krone consists of i hundred øre. But Kingdom of norway recently changed their currency organization, so now the lowest valued coin is one krone. The word øre means „ear" also. But if coin øre is en øre – of masculine gender, an ear is a substantive of neuter gender – et øre. Equally you tin can meet, learning the gender of a substantive is very important – veldig viktig!

en øre (masculine gender)
et øre (neuter gender)
an ear

Let's get dorsum to numbers. I'll enquire you to count from ane to 10 in Norwegian.

How did you do? I hope you don't lie nigh doing it! OK, let's count together:

  • - Én, ei, ett to, tre, fire, fem, seks, sju eller syv, åtte, ni, ti.

In Norwegian we can say „seven" equally ,,syv" or ,,sju". "Syv" is more commonly used in spoken language, and in formal written language it is more common to use „sju". It doesn't thing which one you lot like more. Nosotros have to learn to pronounce both words correctly: syv/sju.

  • - Ema, kan du hjelpe oss med uttale? Ema, can you help us pronounce information technology?
  • - Ja, jeg kan hjelpe - syv/sju.

You probably have a question, why are there iii words for a number „ane", and when should we utilise each of them? Oh my, y'all may think that there'south got to exist some kind of a complicated grammer rule.

I'll make you all happy – truly non, it's very elementary! Call up, we have been talking almost noun genders in the first lesson. There are three of them, and each gender is marked by a different article. Exercise you lot remember the manufactures?

Articles en, ei, et sound just similar the number „one", right? And so whichever „ane" - en, ei or ett – we use, depends on the gender of a noun.

For case, if we want to say „one girl", how practice we say that? Think a little longer.

  • - Éi jente
  • - Ja, riktig, correct, one girl - ei jente.
Ei – the commodity to a noun of feminine gender, ei jente – a noun of feminine gender, and then we have combined them perfectly. If we desire to say one house, house is „ett hus" – a substantive of neuter gender. And if nosotros talk nigh „ane automobile", „en bil" – a noun of masculine gender.
One house
ett hus
One girl
ei jente
One car
en bil

Permit'southward continue and learn to count to xx. It'south quite simple! Repeat afterward us, don't forget to look at information technology in a fun way, and relax :

tjue tyve

Here it is, that special syllable „tj", which wemeet in the number „twenty" – tjue. Do you lot recollect that we have to pronounce it like a mixture of syllablees „ch" and „sh"? Don't say "ch", don't say "sh" either, permit's effort together: tj, tjue.

  • - I am a little tired. Jeg er trøtt.
  • - Er du trøtt, Jan? Vel, jeg skal telle: Elleve, tolv, tretten, fjorten, femten, seksten, sytten, atten, nitten, tjue / tyve. Ufff.. jeg er trøtt også...
  • - Jeg er imponert! I'm amazed! Jeg skal si det en gang til – I'll repeat information technology once once more – jeg skal si det en gang til – jeg er imponert , Ema! Tusen takk skal du ha! Give thanks you very much! And at present I'one thousand going to go on.

20 is tyve. By the way, have you noticed, that „twenty" and „seven" audio very like – „tjue" and „sju"? Then, if you say „seven" in Norwegian, you should utilize „syv". That's more elementary, and you won't mix „seven" and „twenty" .

Now let's endeavour to say „20 one". In Norwegian it will exist a i compound discussion. Let's try.

tjuesju or tjuesyv
  • - Ema, now it'southward your turn to count from 20 to xx nine. And you lot, our students, tin can relax a scrap, make some tea or something , and repeat together:
  • - Tjue, tjueen, tjueto, tjuetre, tjuefire, tjuefem, tjueseks, tjuesju eller tjuesyv, tjueåtte, tjueni.

Did yous manage to retrieve? Går det bra? Everything is fine! Dere er veldig flinke! Permit's go on!

In exactly the same way – saying the ten and adding a number in Norwegian – we can say „xxx five", „fifty seven". But of course at first nosotros need to learn all the tens, right? Want to effort? Let's echo together:

tjue tyve

Mayhap you call back the words – „thirteen"-tretten and „xxx"-tretti, „fifteen"-femten and „50"-femti sounds very similar.

Pay attention to the point that when spelling ordinal numbers, that is numbers from xiii till nineteen, we tin can hear the ending -due north : tretten, femten, seksten, sytten, atten, nitten. And when spelling tens, we will hear the catastrophe -ti, that is: tretti, førti, femti, seksti, sytti, åtti, nitti.

But maybe learning numbers seems difficult for you. In fact, it is not difficult, merely we are learning many of them all at in one case in this lesson. Recollect how yous used to learn things in preschool, or school? We used to not rush, and repeated things many times. In the first nosotros learned to count to ten, and so – to twenty, and later – to 1 hundred. So, don't bustle and repeat the material of our lesson till you manage all the numbers.

With you lot can do information technology everywhere, at whatever comfortable time and cosy place! Sing the numbers loudly in the shower, repeat them in your head when running on a treadmill in a gym or forth a path in a park, loudly name them together with us when driving to work in the mornings, or silently speak nodding in a trolleybus, or maybe sitting comfortably on a burrow. What matters is that you should listen to lessons till you larn everything perfectly.

  • - sant , Ema? Isn't that true, Ema?
  • - Ja. Ja.

Let'south count ane more time together from zero to ten. Vi skal telle sammen. We will count together. Sammen – together. A warm, sociable word, so let'due south larn it, and this phrase also: vi skal telle sammen .

Half-dozen skal telle sammen.
We will count together.

Let's begin, la oss begynne:

nix, en, to, tre, fire, fem, seks, sju, åtte, ni, ti

Now – from eleven to 20:

elleve, tolv, tretten, fjorten, femten, seksten, sytten, atten, nitten, tjue

Well, and now from twenty one to twenty ix:

tjueen, tjueto, tjuetre, tjuefire, tjuefem, tjueseks, tjuesju, tjueåtte, tjueni

And now nosotros'll count in tens from ten to one hundred:

ti, tjue, tretti, førti, femti, seksti, sytti, åtti, nitti, hundre

Uff... Veldig bra! Here I'm praising not just yous, but myself likewise. We take done some counting in a fun way.

And now let's play. I will say a number, and you lot say information technology in Norwegian. Remember how tens are made? For case, "fifty vii" – we say "fifty" at starting time, and then "seven", femtisju. Let'south begin. Don't worry, y'all know that I will help you. And then, I say a number, and you say it in Norwegian. OK? Later on a short interruption you will hear the correct answer. Don't exist tense, you tin can do it.

La oss begynne:

Xxx four
Xl four
50 seven
femtisju or femtisyv
Threescore 9
Seventy eight
Eighty three
Ninety five

Veldig bra. Flott. Very good. Not bad. You lot see, it's not difficult at all. Y'all have learned to spell a hundred words already. And now let's larn another chiliad words! I am not forcing you, we are merely going to larn to spell numbers till one thousand in a simple mode „one hundred" is en/ ett hundre. „2 hundred" is to hundre, „three hundred" - tre hundre. Elementary, right? You can count from one to nine, and „one hundred" volition be hundre.

As simple as a kid's game, every bit my grandmother used to say. So, „iv hundred" fire hundre, „five hundred" fem hundre, „6 hundred" seks hundre, „seven hundred" sju hundre, „viii hundred" åtte hundre, „9 hundred" ni hundre, „a yard" - en or ett tusen .

en/ ett hundre
to hundre
tre hundre
fire hundre
fem hundre
seks hundre
sju hundre
åtte hundre
ni hundre
en / ett tusen

money counting

And now this is the final time you will suffer a bit from numbers.

Let's acquire to spell hundreds. For instance, „two hundred fifty two" will exist to hundre og femtito. „One hundred and five" - hundre og fem. You take already noticed, that I say it with the word „and" – og. Norwegians say it this way: one hundred – and – five, two hundred – and – fifty two.

It'due south important: when spelling hundreds, and when adding tens or units to them, we always say "og".

Allow's heed to more examples. „3 hundred and three" - tre hundre og tre, „half-dozen hundred and seventy" - seks hundre og sytti.

ii hundred fifty two
to hundre og femtito
one hundred and five
hundre og fem
3 hundred and iii
tre hundre og tre
six hundred and seventy
seks hundre og sytti

And now you try. Ema will say a number in Norwegian, and you say how it sounds in English language. Later on a intermission I volition tell you the answer. Ready? Let's begin:

hundre og seks
One hundred and vi
hundre og syttien
One hundred and seventy ane
to hundre og en
Two hundred and one
to hundre og nittisju
Two hundred and ninety seven
tre hundre og førtifem
3 hundred and forty five

And how did yous practice? I suspect, that the first times might be hard. Even so, if you faithfully listen several times, I'1000 certain, that later on some time you will count as easily equally Norwegians. We wish you all, skillful luck! Lykke til.

So, that'south all about numbers. I think it's plenty for today, really. Don't forget to repeat the material of this lesson, till you learn to count correctly until 1000.

Well, are you still capable to go shopping with us today? What exercise you call back? It would be fun, wouldn't it? Peradventure we are hungry and thirsty later on that number business organisation. So let'southward say:

I am hungry.
Jeg er sulten.
I am thirsty.
Jeg er tørst.
I am hungry and thirsty.
Jeg er sulten og tørst.

And now let's inquire our companion if he is hungry. Er du sulten? Er is a course of the verb – å være – å være – in present tense. Er du sulten? Discussion by word – are you lot hungry? Co-ordinate to a rule of Norwegian question making, we put „er" into the first identify, then - du sulten.

  • - Er du sulten?
  • - Ohh ja, jeg er sulten. Jeg er veldig sulten.

Ema is saying that she is very hungry - veldig sulten . Permit's ask if she is thirsty.

  • - Er du tørst, Ema?
  • - Ja, jeg er veldig tørst. Jeg har lyst til å drikke.

Javel. Well, Ema is very thirsty, too. She has just said an unknown phrase: Jeg har lyst til å drikke. What words in this phrase do we know already? Jeg is „I", yes, that's correct. Har lyst til - „I desire". An infinitive of a saying is spelled together with the infinitive particle ,,å": å ha lyst til . After this saying we can use a verb just in its infinitive course, like this: jeg har lyst til å drikke. Å drikke – to drinkable.

har lyst til
I want
å drikke
to drink

If we desire to say that we want some kind of a matter or an object, but not to practise something, nosotros volition say it this way: jeg har lyst på... and so nosotros'll say the substantive, or what we desire. Well, let's say: jeg har lyst på bil – I want a car. Jeg har lyst på bil. A skilful wish, correct? But nosotros won't buy a car today, we'll become to buy some food, OK? Then, then information technology would be improve to say it this way: Jeg har lyst til å drikke og å spise.

å spise
to eat

Allow's go to the grocery store. So, what are nosotros going to purchase for a drink? Perchance h2o?

et vann
en melk
Juice without carbohydrate
en jus or en juice
Juice with sugar
ei or en saft
en brus

I know what nosotros should buy to stay awake and capable of learning every bit much Norwegian as possible – coffee. En kaffe. By the way, when Norwegians say en kaffe, they accept in mind not only "coffee", but also "a loving cup of coffee".

en kaffe
a cup of coffee

And mayhap we tin quench our thirst with tea?

En te
Black tea
svart te
Greenish tea
grønn te
Jeg liker grønn te.
I like greenish tea.

But we'll talk about our likes after, and at present I'one thousand going to name more than drinks. Whereas you lot, while calmly sipping your favourite one, tin can listen, repeat and learn.

Well, possibly nosotros could taste some stiff drinks? Such as beer, which English people like and so much.

en øl
en vin
White wine
en hvitvin
Blood-red wine
en rødvin

If yous want to buy some wine or other strong drinks in Norway, you'll accept to go to a specialized shop – et vinmonopol.

  • - Jan, jeg har lyst til å spise. Jeg er veldig sulten. Kan 6 avslutte nå?

Did you understand? Ema is maxim, that she wants to swallow: jeg har lyst til å spise. And she as well asked if we can finish now - kan vi avslutte nå? Well... That's it for today, mayhap it'southward really time to have a repast.

In our next lesson nosotros will definitely continue shopping and learning a lot of useful phrases – words in a beautiful and proper Norwegian linguistic communication – together with – it's fun to learn! See you adjacent time, ha det bra, six høres!

  • - Ha det bra alle sammen, vi høres!


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